Skilled Instructor

A/L ICT lecturer Kosala Rajapaksha
(BSc Hons in MIS Sp)

Online Classes

Online Revision Classes Now Available for 2023 A/L

Online Exams

In every year,every term there will be several online exams for students.

Book Library

Anyone can easily downlord any of A/L, O/L & any it related documents.

About Us

Welcome to itpanthiya.com

Information Communication Technology has increased in value due to its application in almost every field today. Therefore, children are also more inclined to choose ICT in their school curriculum. This website also provides the opportunity for students studying Information Communication Technology at O/L ICT, A/L ICT and Undergraduate Level to download subject related course materials.

Specially through the website we provide O/L ICT Syllabus, A/L ICT Syllabus, O/L ICT Past Papers, A/L ICT Past Papers, O/L ICT Lessons, A/L ICT Lessons and other ICT related course materials to the students in free of charge. We are a non-profit organization and we work for the development of the subject by assisting students studying ICT.

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

Online Exams

It relatet Documents

Past Papers


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Our Classes

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2024 Theory/Revision

Kuliyapitiya Chilaw Wennappuwa
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2025 Theory

Kuliyapitiya Chilaw Wennappuwa
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2026 Theory

Kuliyapitiya Chilaw Wennappuwa

Expert Instructor

Kosala Rajapaksha
(BSc Hons in MIS Sp)
Our Students

A/L Ranks